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End of Year Emotions & Recap | By Miss Mel (Grow ELC Blacktown)

It’s that time of year where we experience many different emotions all at once…

The pride of ending another successful year full of challenges during the lockdown, and the enthusiasm of being Essential and continuing to provide a quality service for our community. Also, the surprise of new learnings while connecting virtually with our children and families at home and achieving many developmental milestones together.

The sadness of having to say “goodbye” to our children who will be starting BIG school in 2022 and the joy of farewelling them with an amazing Graduation Celebration – concert performance, award ceremony, farewell disco, graduation luncheon and a celebration of many memories to treasure! CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES OF 2021! We are all very proud of you and are blessed to have been a part of your lives.

The love and care we experienced during our farm animals visit as our final incursion for 2021 was another great memory for all! Children and adults alike were very brave to hold, feed, pat, brush and care for the visiting farm animals. Thank you, Old MacDonald’s Travelling Farms, for this unforgettable experience.

The excitement and anticipation for our final special event for 2021: our End-of-Year Celebrations & Christmas Concert. The children have been busy decorating their rooms, preparing invitations to invite their families, displaying their art and crafts for their families to view, practicing and preparing for their performances, and are already waiting for Santa (and the special gifts he will be bringing)!

Last but not least, the excitement of taking in new enrolments, and meeting and greeting new families and children; as well as the honour of guiding them in their education, assisting them in their care and witnessing them GROW!

Kind regards,
Miss Mel
Centre Director
Grow ELC – Blacktown

Grow Early Learning Centre

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