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School Readiness (4 – 6 Years)

School Readiness (4 – 6 Years)

At Grow Early Learning Centre, we provide a holistic service that caters for the developing social, emotional and learning needs of all children between 6 weeks and 6 years old.

However, we recognise that the school environment is different, and more complex in terms of the academic expectations of school, the physical and social environment, as well as the communication, routine and structure.

To address these differences, we target activities and experiences that support the children to develop specific skills, dispositions and abilities; all of which are intended to enable each child to feel an enhanced sense of confidence and positivity towards transitioning into the school environment.

Grow Early Learning Centre

We provide a comprehensive and structured School Readiness Program that is carried out throughout the last six months of preschool. This program includes learning and experiences (teacher-supported and independent) which aim to develop and enhance the child’s social, emotional, physical and academic skills. These are targeted to provide optimum opportunities to prepare the child for a smooth transition to Kindergarten in the following year, by equipping them with the relevant skills and teaching them about the expectations of the school environment.

We also believe that learning is most successful if carried out in collaboration with educators, families and the community. We are in constant contact with families and encourage their active input and participation in the program.

Grow Early Learning Centre
Grow Early Learning Centre
Grow Early Learning Centre
Our families are regularly updated with individual and group reflections and evaluations about our weekly School Readiness Program through our childcare app (OWNA), as well as through other avenues, such as parent-teacher interviews and conversations at drop-off and pick-up. We liaise with the broader community, including our local schools and community professionals to enrich and expose the children to experiences and learning opportunities beyond the early childhood education setting. Together, we are able to cater to each child’s individual needs and abilities, whilst providing them with experiences that are specific for the desired school readiness outcomes – to be ready for a successful transition to primary school.
Grow Early Learning Centre

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