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‘All About Education’ Month: The Importance of Early Childhood Education and Care (By Miss Mel – Grow ELC Blacktown)

“High quality early childhood education gives children the best start in life. It provides important opportunities to learn and develop. Early childhood education can help your child make friends, develop independence and learn new routines. It also supports their transition to school.”

– NSW Department of Education

Brighter Beginners, an NSW Government initiative, aims to improve the lives and experience of parents and families in the first 2000 days of their child’s life and better support all children to achieve the best start in life.

Studies by Harvard University have shown how Early Childhood Education programs can prepare children to develop the social and emotional skills they need to succeed and graduate high school.

The National Education Association states that providing high-quality education for children before they turn five yields significant long-term benefits for individuals, such as being higher earners in the workforce.

At Grow Early Learning Centre, we believe and support all the above statements and views. Early Childhood Education and Care is very crucial, as the most critical stages of development and learning is from birth to five years; not only for an individual’s formative educational years, but also later in adult life too.

Early Childhood Education simply refers to anything a child learns in the years prior to school. For instance, identifying shapes, learning how to count objects, repeating words and sentences, learning hot from cold, recognising faces and memorising songs. More importantly, children attending Early Childhood Education and Care Services learn how to connect with others – socially, emotionally and mentally. They also develop all the skills they need for their future life – anything that impacts their mental, emotional, psychological, or behavioural growth.

With this belief, during our All About Education month, we shared facts and tips with our parents to highlight the importance of Education (Early Childhood Education specifically) and to support them in their parenting role.


Kind Regards,
Miss Mel
Centre Director
Grow ELC Blacktown

Grow Early Learning Centre

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