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April & May 2024 Snapshot @ Grow ELC Girraween

Sustainability Week

At our centre, we continually engage children in sustainability awareness and sustainable practices, like saving paper by using recycled paper bags and materials for art, saving water when washing hands, and turning off switches to save energy for lights and appliances not in use.

This Sustainability Week, we focused on learning about the different types of bins and how we use them to sort rubbish versus recyclable materials, and how we can implement this learning at home, in the community and at the centre.

Another sustainability experience we focused on was growing our own plants. The children in all rooms were invited to use pea plant and fenugreek seeds to make their own individual pot plants and observe the plant growing process. These pots were sent home after the plant was firmly established, linking our learning with families. We also invited families to share what sustainable habits they practice at home, to extend and consolidate the children’s learning based on input from families.

Mother’s Day

We celebrated our Mothers’ Day event in the centre by inviting mothers and grandmothers to join us and the children for a lovely morning filled with love, fun, treats and different experiences. Families were invited to join our morning tea, with tea and snacks lovingly prepared by the children along with educators, in an inviting and relaxing environment. It was a special time for our Mums.

Later, the Mums joined their children in the rooms where special experiences were set up for them to engage in together. These experiences were aimed at connecting with our families in a meaningful way, as well as showing love and respect for our Mums on their special day.

A special raffle was also conducted to add more fun to the event, which our Mums and children really enjoyed. Congrats to our lucky winners!

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