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What a wonderful finale to 2021 at Grow ELC Killarney Vale | By Miss Kat

The past few weeks to end the year at Grow ELC Killarney Vale have proven to be memorable. With lockdowns and restrictions eased, we welcomed back our families, allowing them access to enter the rooms again. It was a great moment for some, particularly those who enrolled their children during the lockdowns as they were finally allowed to enter our spaces again and see all the wonders of our rooms. Our new renovations incited a lot of wonderful comments from families who knew what the place looked like before.

With restrictions eased, we began planning our Graduation Celebration. With only two weeks to plan and prep, our Graduates did an amazing job performing for their families before letting the celebrations begin. It was an emotional graduation but was soon uplifted with our graduation disco which saw all our families and children having a great time dancing with each other. A luncheon followed, which was a nice time for our families and children to sit down and have a meal together. We will miss our Graduating class of 2021 and we wish them all the best for their school years. It was a privilege to help you prepare and get ready for school.

As it is the end of the year, we also held our annual Christmas Concert! It was a wonderful event and everyone really enjoyed themselves. The children had their performances in their rooms for their families, singing various Christmas songs and doing dances. We then had Santa come to visit us and hand the children their presents. They were super excited to see him. Once our concert was finished, we had Feature Creatures come and visit us with all their cool reptiles and insects. This was the highlight of the day as the children were absolutely in awe of the snakes, lizards, spiders, extremely large bugs, turtles and the BABY CROCODILE! The children were allowed to get hands-on with them and were also able to pat the BABY CROCODILE… it was such a good experience for the children. The show taught the children fun facts about each animal and also taught them some safety tips about what to do if they see snakes and spiders in the bush. We were so impressed!

We would just like to end this note wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and safe travels if you will be going away on holiday. Enjoy this time with your families and we will see you all in the new year!

Grow Early Learning Centre

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